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Do you want to live in an Ottawa Cohousing Community?

  1. Are you seeking to move into a new home within 2 to 7 years?

  2. Do you want to live within an urban or regional neighborhood of Ottawa?

  3. Have you considered your financial plan?

  4. Can you afford a new home at market rates or provide consistent rental payments?

  5. Are you ready to participate in a cohousing group?


If you answered YES to ALL these questions...

We encourage you to attend one of our Information Sessions, (dates listed below), and/or engage with Ottawa Cohousing so we can address your questions and concerns.


Info sessions
Ottawa cohousing community neighborhoods


Ottawa Cohousing regularly hosts Information Sessions, for anyone seeking to learn more about cohousing communities and/or our services.


Info sessions are casual in nature and free to attend. You can choose between a virtual Zoom or an In-Person format. We add dates as they become needed and available, so check back on this page for future sessions.


Let us know your interest in attending by selecting our registration button.

Upcoming Info Sessions - 2024



Tuesday, February 25

7:00 - 8:00 pm


Register to receive a zoom link


OC fees

Intake Fee (per household):

Intake Interview............................. free

Intake Roster.................................... $50

(Speaker & Social events are free for those on Intake Roster)


Deposits towards Ottawa Cohousing service fee

The total Ottawa Cohousing service fee will be based on a percentage of your purchase price, the rate of which depends on the complexity of the project, group size, and extent of services. You will not require a purchasing real estate agent.

Contact us for further details.

Not sure or not ready yet? 

Stay in touch, keep learning and join in when you are ready.


  • Fill out our Contact Form and we will add you to our email list.

  • Attend one of our free and personal Information Sessions 

  • Visit our social media posts, check back on our website for updates 

  • Continue to research cohousing, check out our listed Resources 

  • Join our events to continue learning and to meet other community minded individuals.

Ready to start discovering what it takes to live in a community of this nature? 

Contact us if you prefer a hard copy version

or have any questions.

Fill out our free online form




Contact Form


613.724.3742 (voice only)

414 Churchill Ave. North

Ottawa, K1Z 5C6

Ottawa Cohousing n'a pas actuellement la capacité d'offrir ses services complets en français.  Nous espérons être en mesure d'offrir ce service dans l'avenir. 


Quoi qu'il en soit, nous invitons les francophones à communiquer avec nous,  car nous avons accès à des personnes ressources francophones pour aider la formation d’une communauté qui fonctionne dans la ou les langues de leur choix.".

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  • Instagram
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