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Ottawa Cohousing is essentially

a Matchmaking service!


We gather people interested in cohousing:

future residents, investors, developers, builders, lawyers, financial advisors, real estate agents and more. 


Aspiring cohousers are interviewed, then matched into a group with other aspiring cohousers. Groups are then paired up with developers or builders. Development land is secured for each group. Tools and resources are provided to smooth the path to success.


The physical structure of a cohousing community is not all that's needed to make a thriving community.  Healthy dynamics and appropriate governance of each group is essential, so Ottawa Cohousing leads our groups through tailored learning sessions: during the early days of group formation, while making the big development decisions, and  then after move-in, as needed, to continue to support communities.

Ottawa Cohousing community living

Juanita Cottages,  Photo courtesy of Calista Interiors

Ottawa Cohousing is passionate about housing and community building and we have the tools needed for development success!  We are here to simplify this process and provide you with a road map, from group formation to move-in. 

*  Our Focus is to develop cohousing within the urban boundary of Ottawa efficiently, cost effectively, and with environmental integrity.


*  Our Goal is to facilitate healthy community formation, balancing diversity with shared values, and imparting skills for successful community longevity.



Contact Form


613.724.3742 (voice only)

414 Churchill Ave. North

Ottawa, K1Z 5C6

Ottawa Cohousing n'a pas actuellement la capacité d'offrir ses services complets en français.  Nous espérons être en mesure d'offrir ce service dans l'avenir. 


Quoi qu'il en soit, nous invitons les francophones à communiquer avec nous,  car nous avons accès à des personnes ressources francophones pour aider la formation d’une communauté qui fonctionne dans la ou les langues de leur choix.".

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