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Ottawa Sites for Development

Ottawa Cohousing already has multiple potential sites lined up!



We are continuously seeking appropriate development opportunities with a primary focus on:

  • Urban neighborhoods of Ottawa

  • New build row housing or multi-unit buildings (to maximize environmental benefits and lower operational utility costs)

  • Range of sizes and configurations to  accommodate communities of 12 to 35 units

  • Walkable neighborhoods (requiring fewer parking spaces)


Consideration is also extended to:

  • Renovation projects, if suitable

  • Suburban and rural developments

  • Urban sites that remain car-dependent, (one or more parking spaces required per household)

  • 4- and 8- unit developments (in 'long semis')

Long semis are buildings that look like single family homes but include 4 private residences of various sizes.  A pair of long semis could house a cohousing community of 8 households; a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units in two adjacent buildings.  Above is a series of long semis designed by Rosaline J Hill Architect. One of them is a cohousing community.

Townhouses can be designed to meet the needs of a cohousing community if space is available for a common house or shared amenity space. Above: Examples of townhouses designed by Rosaline J Hill Architect. 

Small apartment condo buildings can be designed to meet the needs of a cohousing community. Above: Examples of small apartment buildings designed by Rosaline J Hill Architect, 4 to 15 dwelling units. 

Larger sites allow a greater range of possibilities. Examples above by Rosaline J Hill Architect, 35+ private residence units. 



Contact Form


613.724.3742 (voice only)

414 Churchill Ave. North

Ottawa, K1Z 5C6

Ottawa Cohousing n'a pas actuellement la capacité d'offrir ses services complets en français.  Nous espérons être en mesure d'offrir ce service dans l'avenir. 


Quoi qu'il en soit, nous invitons les francophones à communiquer avec nous,  car nous avons accès à des personnes ressources francophones pour aider la formation d’une communauté qui fonctionne dans la ou les langues de leur choix.".

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