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Values & Expectations 

Ottawa Cohousing communities are initiated with certain universal principles, shared values and best practices:
  • a regularly shared meal in a common room

  • a sharing of some common resources

  • a commitment to honour, respect and care for each other until/unless it is beyond the capacity of the community 

  • a collaborative decision-making process that maintains and sustains the life of the community according to an agreed-upon Community Charter (policies, rules)

  • a commitment to engage in a predetermined ‘conflict resolution’ process, to be used when disagreements impair the ability of the community to make decisions or enjoy shared amenities 

“Precise and defined balance between open doors and private life here." 

- Jens Asger Hansen, cohousing community resident, Munksogard, Denmark. 


Shared Amenities

Each Ottawa Cohousing group will decide what they want to share in their community.

The following are typical facilities that are shared in cohousing communities:​

  • Common house large enough to house all the residents to provide for meetings and common meals, (includes a kitchen and lounge area).

  • Laundry amenities 

  • Guest room(s)

  • Outside patio and garden

  • Bike storage and general storage

  • Parking area, instead of individual pads

Ottawa cohousing community living
Collective Workspace Ottawa cohousing

Other shared items in cohousing may include:

  • Work or hobby shop

  • Play area or lounge for children and teenagers

  • Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna

  • Collective office work space / library

  • Yoga / Exercise room

  • Subsidized unit for sponsoring a refugee family

  • Vehicle sharing (cars, trucks, mopeds, etc.)



Contact Form


613.724.3742 (voice only)

414 Churchill Ave. North

Ottawa, K1Z 5C6

Ottawa Cohousing n'a pas actuellement la capacité d'offrir ses services complets en français.  Nous espérons être en mesure d'offrir ce service dans l'avenir. 


Quoi qu'il en soit, nous invitons les francophones à communiquer avec nous,  car nous avons accès à des personnes ressources francophones pour aider la formation d’une communauté qui fonctionne dans la ou les langues de leur choix.".

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